
classic games?

Chess is chess. Doesn't really matter the time control. If you play through an old game you won't know if it's a 6 hour or a 1 minute. It depends more on who the players are than what the time control is. A beginner will be thinking much longer for a move than an advanced player, who will see things nearly immediately based on memory and intuition.

Go watch from 0:27 to 1:10 in this interview:
Go put this in utter confusion...The first 8 moves between Capablanca and Sammy Reshevsky in game played at the AVRO in 1938 took exactly one hour... but the time breakdown: Reshevsky ...58 minutes... Capablanca 2 minutes. This was classic chess and speed chess both. :]
@ #31: It's statements like that which make the blitz crowd look so pathetic and why nobody takes you guys seriously. To say that there's no difference between a blitz game and a standard 90/30 FIDE TC is just absolutely ridiculous. One's chess, the other is a sloppy, fun, speed variant of chess.

You can't get a title in blitz, nobody cares how good or bad you are at blitz, you learn nothing but bad habits from blitz, you waste your time when you play blitz instead of studying or playing a real game, etc, etc, etc. Basically, playing blitz tournaments for hours on end is the worst thing you can do for chess improvement.

This site needs to decide whether it's going to cater to real chess players or blitz droolers because as it is now, you guys are starting to lose some of our attention. EVERYTHING on this site is centered around blitz and bullet and no other chess site online is like that.
^ you have made some good points but blitz and bullet helps you think faster about your next move and is a good exercise and this website supports that, that what makes this website special. and if you don't like that fact then why are you even on this website?
@ #34: The point is that since my focus is on real chess and legitimately classical time controls, I don't need to "think fast". There's no rush for me to make moves in seconds. That's the whole point: When you sit there playing blitz all day and night you're training your brain (hardcore) to think one move ahead, one second ahead, etc. You can't just go back to a 90/30 classical game and automatically transition into a deep calculation process. Your brain needs to be retrained again.

When you say "But Magnus Carlsen plays blitz!!!" right - He's a super GM. None of these guys were playing 14 hours straight of arena blitz when they were 1600 FIDE and improving at the game. If they had, I speculate that they never would have even become a GM.

What makes this website special is that it's open source, free, innovative, beautiful, and the developers listen to the user base and actively update the framework. It has absolutely nothing to do with blitz.
"I'll go back to ICC if Lichess starts catering toward the blitz kiddies."

Too late, the site first became popular due to its ease of playing bullet and blitz games. Have a nice trip.
You most likely dislike bullet and blitz because you're terrible at it. Wouldn't blame you, I guess.
Nocturnal, you are welcome to play classic chess here. There are groups and tournaments dedicated to classic chess. You can find a serious partner, who thinks deeply, and have a very satisfying game with them. Nobody is stopping you from doing that.

Just in the same way that nobody is stopping other people from playing blitz and bullet.

You're free to criticise blitz and bullet play, because they do bring out theoretical weaknesses, but not everyone is playing to improve, or for perfect play. Some people just play to pass the time, or to have a bit of fun/adrenaline.

You don't need to play chess for the sole purpose of improvement - and that's what makes you people who are obsessed with classic pathetic. This constant need to be the best and play perfectly. Just chill out, relax, have some fun.

You may as well criticise antichess for the same reasons you criticise bullet and blitz ("you'll just train your brain to get your pieces taken!"), because ultimately bullet and blitz are just variants of chess.
OTB there is rapid rating. from 10' to 60' I think. there could be one here also, and maybe 10' to 30' would be better.
I think people should be more willing to play long chess on the internet. Don't give me any of this "tired" bullcrap, building up stamina is one of the most important things for any chess player, that's why I play 40 0 from dawn till dusk. The more you flex your ability to concentrate for long stretches of time the better off you'll be and you can always do it more.

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