
GM Magnus Carlsen account is for real?

Good clarifications.
The Bold GM title in red caps clearly indicates a verified title. Not one that can be duplicated.
Hope MC plays here ! I doubt he is bound by any exclusive contracts.
Provisional ratings: 2800 - it seems likely.

There are some very strange informations when you click on stats, for example classical:

17 games, highest rating: 1855 :)) and links to games played in 2012. Maybe there was a fake account with the same name in 2012...
He hasn't played 1 game on it yet has he (at least not on that account)...
It does seem strange; clicking on blitz, classical and correspondence revels games played in 2012, with a mediocre performance.
Also the GM title disappears.
The account profile says he joined yesterday.
Not doubting the Admins, but something is screwy with the stats.
A past "fake account" ? The GM Title is missing in stats, although looking at other titled players stats, their title also does not appear. Stats were somehow were carried over?

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