
Is it okay to have fun with the opponent when secured the win

If it was one of my close friends I would promote to knights as a joke.
That's unethical. Against the spirit of game. If you have guts, then win by fair means and not do stupid things. The way you play reveals your personality.
It's called having a bit of fun and I would only do it with close friends, not as a sign of disrespect to random people
If the person does not resign, it's because they are enjoying it.
Go for it. Enjoy chess in all of it's possibilities. The pieces are there to PLAY with.

If the person does not resign, it maybe that they are unfamiliar to the site or the resign button.
You can always tell them the resign button is there when they are ready to use it. It's part of chess.

The pieces and the way they move have nothing to do with ethics. But there is a rule that lichess does not have coded in... It's that two minute and less rule, when a player does no effort to win by normal means. If every game was checked then the engine analysis arbiter could in theory claim the game a draw because of the lack of effort to end the game by normal means.

Imagine an analysis reviewing how you played and what you did at the end of the game. Normal means is also punishable at the beginning of a game, by moving a piece back and forth and waiting for the opponent pieces to come closer. That does not seem normal, but it does give the effect of pawns over extending. Every thing is relative to the word NORMAL. Normal yesterday is no longer normal today, and maybe yesterdays normal will come back in the future when we realize the normal of today is not normal at all.

For things to be acceptable, you need to follow the flow. But following the flow can have unpleasant side effects.
By todays standards of normal, best is to win quickly by what people consider NORMAL MEANS.
Remember to think out of the box, but don't push it too far or else it won't look normal and others have means to fix that abnormality. So I recommend to not take the scenic route when a checkmate is obvious.

Do you really want the world to block you because of lack of tack in chess? @heckerboy
If it happened to you the resign button is available when you see the checkmate. If you pretend to not see it, then you too are delaying the end game and this is why the player is taking the scenic route, waiting for you to confirm that you see it by pressing the resign bottom. So it's a reciprocal reaction to not resigning from the obvious. So like playing losing games. They learn from it.
so many different opinions about this, guys, there was this guy that used to enjoy defeating me, I was a noob and I never played on the board, after one week I enjoy calmely defeating him one move by another
@heckerboy said in #1:
> example promoting all your pawns, giving up a piece, doing useless checks...

You can be happy about a win, but you should still behave respectfully towards the loser and not make fun of it in the manner mentioned.
I mean,if he aint resigning in a tottaly lost position since the opening ,go ahead,TORTURE YOUR OPPONENT AS MUCH AS YOU CAN,but if it was a well played game,please dont.

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