
Trainer Needed: Book!

"By far, the most common question I'm asked is, 'What openings are best for me and how do I create a proper opening repertoire?' Of course, I warn them about the 'spending all your study time memorizing variations rather than learning how to play good chess' syndrome, but then I cave to their query and point out the following critical points which have to be addressed when choosing an opening system that's right for a particular individual:
7 Choose openings that suit your style/temperament--just because the world's best players use it doesn't mean that it's right for you!
7 ..." - IM Jeremy Silman (2010)
@derkleineJo said in #10:

> EDIT: And really don't, don't, don't expect to improve your chess understanding by playing bullet...

@DontShadowBan It seems that you can't stop playing bullet, let alone analyzing your games.
So (IMHO) don't expect to make any significant progress.

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