
What is the BEST response against 1. d4 as black ?

Let's try a more specific question: what would you recommend against 1. d4 to someone who prefers open positions with tactical opportunities which force players to calculate carefully? For example, I like Panov-Botvinnik against Caro-Kann or Austrian attack against Pirc. I mostly play Queen's Gambit Declined after 1. d4 but I don't feel really comfortable about the positions it leads to (which may just as well mean that I don't know how to handle Carlsbad structure properly). And London isn't any better.
d6. with 2...e5 after 2.c4, 2...Bg4 after 2.Nf3, and modern Philidor after 2.e4. This system is superpowerful, but pretty hard. You play 1...d6 on any white move.
Nf6 is a very good move. you take control of the light squares. With the Nimzo Indian. I like the Benko Gambit (very tactical like the Kings Gambit, and the modern (against the London System).
E01 Catalan Opening: Closed
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2 Average centipawn loss
100% Accuracy from both sides

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