
Terrible pictures.

@schlawg said in #9:
> Someone donated their time to find and submit these icons. If you have improvements on offer, make a pull request at

You don't have to be able to cook a good pizza to say that a pizza given you in a restaurant is bad.
@Sybotes said in #10:
> God, don't be so sensitive. Language uses metaphors, chess language does, too. Wihy not use an icon for "skewer" that shows ... a skewer?

Indeed, chess language does use metaphors, but not the real meaning. When you speak "skewer" or "eat a piece" in a chess context, it's so metaphoric that can be used in a society of kids, magic unicorns, and fairies. But when you replace "skewer" word with an image of a skewered human body, it's no longer a metaphor, and poor unicorns will puke rainbow and maybe even die after seeing this.
My suggestion is to simply remove the icons. Chernev and Reinfeld in their masterpiece, "Winning Chess how to see three moves ahead" reduces all tactics to double attack and concentration of superior force. If we muse use icons, then perhaps use two icons in this case, with sub categories under the two. Don't make the mistake of over using icons like the mortal combat illustration above and If lichess wants to knock off Reinfeld, then do it right.
@Alisa1997 said in #4:
> I believe @Denis-Moscow74 talks about the practice section. Some icons are really disgusting.
> Also the berserk icon is the same.

If you're really that sensitive, just wear a blindfold when you browse the web. Or when you go outside. Also make sure to wear earplugs (someone might say a bad word!).
@AsDaGo said in #16:
> If you're really that sensitive, just wear a blindfold when you browse the web. Or when you go outside. Also make sure to wear earplugs (someone might say a bad word!).

Great advice. Instead of trying to make world around us little better, just ignore that shit. Amen.

Bye, Lichess.
In fairness, some of the icons ARE a bit violent. Most if not all were chosen and downloaded from this website and submitted by a contributor. The icons on that site are all free with no strings attached.

It would be awesome if a skilled SVG artist were to improve on one or more of them, but I don't think we're looking to remove them.
Just because someone invested some time in sourcing them doesn't make them great or appropriate. It's just artificially imposing some chess meaning on random icons. Many of them are just out of place, both contextual and stylistically.

Still waiting for some "mating postures" because, well - it's mating, and the word is the same.

Maybe not heaving an icon for every single thing is acceptable. Sometimes less is more. This site is not gimmicky elsewhere.

Edit: You could tint them orange, and make them available at halloween for a day or two. I think that would be appropriate usage.
@schlawg said in #18:
> In fairness, some of the icons ARE a bit violent.

I agree.And so you just need to replace just a few pictures and close the discussion.If something is unpleasant for people, is it difficult to change just a few pictures?I hope not.(Especially since there were other images there recently.)

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