

If your teacher's creating the meeting, there should be an option for him/her to make himself/herself the 'organizer'. Ask him/her to make everyone else an 'attendee'. This way the participants (here, students) would not be able to take advantage of the system.
thats the problem. She IS the organizer. They ARE attendees. my friend showed me everything. Im a computerpro at linux, but not a real big windows user... he uses windows.
@Bishop190 ,thanks, we reported it, But i wanted to fix the problem a bit sooner... maybe you guys can help? you are really helpful and im really sad i dont know half of you as much as i would want to...
I'm just really pissed because those guys were insulting a 58-years-old woman. ohh, and also they called me friend and his classmates "a bunch of mother f***** who want to lick their teachers a**
TBH I'm in Gr 7 and I go to school in-person. When I did online, I used google meets. It's not that I don't want to help, it's just because I'm typing this outside of my school and I'm starting in 5 minutes.
In this case you need to man up and insult them back!
@CreativeThinking : That's very creative of you, but I like used my entire life on linux. i know a bit programing via windows, but i last used windows 8, and i heard u are on windows 10 now. a bunch of changes happened XD

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