
Chess Poems

Hi guys. Do you know some interesting chess poems posted here or at any social platforms? If so can you comment down below the full content of the poem and of course with its author. I'm looking to read a nice, catching topic with a bit of theoretical view of what is a chess in the perspective of a writer or what other called as a poet. Let creativity in words and chess principles blends. Thank you in advance for those who will be answering and hopefully we will have a tons of positive results here.
You know the rules and so do I
A full maneuver's what I’m thinking of
You wouldn’t get this checkmate from any other guy

I just wanna tell you how I’m forking
Gotta make you underpromote

Never gonna give my Pawns up
Never gonna let Horsey down
Never gonna run around and desert my Bishops
Never gonna make my Rooks cry
Never gonna say goodbye to my Queen
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt my King

We’ve played each other for so long
Your heart’s been getting checkmated but you’re too shy to say it
Inside we both know what’s been going on
We know the game and we’re gonna play it

And if you ask me how I’m forking
Don’t tell me you’re too blind to mate

Never gonna give my Pawns up
Never gonna let Horsey down
Never gonna run around and desert my Bishops
Never gonna make my Rooks cry
Never gonna say goodbye to my Queen
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt my King

You got King-Rolled :)
@pranavramesh8 sent me this message
@kashyap_392010 said in #1:

GM Donner had one about the little a pawn which I liked a lot.

Someone quoted it here in the comments :
Use your favorite translation tool.

"Lieve pion op a5

Mooi klein ding, randpion ben je, niet meer dan één veldje mag je bestrijken. Je bent zo klein, bijna niets, en je hebt de hele partij daar op je plaatsje gestaan, maar al die tijd was mijn hoop op jou gebouwd en al mijn angstig hunkeren was voor jou. Ik zag je wel, zoals je daar stond, kleine bengel. De mensen dachten natuurlijk dat het om de pion op d5 ging, hij trok hun aandacht, ja ze keken alleen naar hem, maar jij en ik wisten het wel, het ging om jou, om jou en jou alleen.

Je hebt gewacht, stouterd, je hebt je niet opgedrongen, want je wist dat ik al die tijd alleen maar aan jou dacht en dat je niets hoefde te doen, want dat ik vanzelf wel bij je zou komen. Kleine randpion, je bent nu vrij. Ga je gang, op a8 wacht jou en mij de onuitsprekelijke heerlijkheid. Heb mijn dank, klein lief ding. Ik heb je lief,

je Koning."
@achja I wish I can understand your language but I can only speak and understand English. But thanks for responding.
Here's a little epigram I came up with:

Like Alekhine,
my skills decline
when i've had
a glass of wine

(and when it's pointed out that Alekhine is prounced "Alekeen", i rejoin:)

Like Alekhine
my skills are less keen
when i've had
a glass of wine
Chess, u are amazing!
U are the best, mind blowing!
Pawns, bishops, rooks, kings, queens and knights
We love you, we play you all day all night!
e4, e5
U’re interesting as sci-fi

U make me think
Make me win at the brink
U are my passion
I have a lot of compassion ( towards you )
So interning so tense
You are making 64 squares intense!
@kashyap_392010 said in #5:
> @achja I wish I can understand your language but I can only speak and understand English. But thanks for responding.

It's your lucky day. The CM in #7 has posted a link with the English version.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Horsey is white
and so are you :)
@celinofj said in #10:
> Roses are red
> Violets are blue
> Horsey is white
> and so are you :)
What about the black horsey?

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