
Logical Chess Move by Move: Chernev

9 • michael-rowe •
  1. Introduction
  2. Scheve - Teichmann
  3. Liubarski - Soultanbeieff
  4. Colle - Delvaux
  1. michael-rowe

Unofficial Holochess Archive (2024)

2 • Biting_Chicken •
  1. Introduction
  2. AZKi - Kazama Iroha
  3. Sakura Miko - ふつう CPU (Normal CPU)
  4. Aki Rosenthal - Shirakami Fubuki
  1. Biting_Chicken

Fischer's My 60 Memorable Games

448 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Introduction
  2. Robert James Fischer - James T Sherwin
  3. Robert James Fischer - Bent Larsen
  4. Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian - Robert James Fischer
  1. NoseKnowsAll

Logical Chess Move by Move: Chernev

1 • SamEnclaustrado •
  1. Introduction
  2. Scheve - Teichmann
  3. Liubarski - Soultanbeieff
  4. Colle - Delvaux
  1. SamEnclaustrado

TheSultan_Khan's Study

2 • TheSultan_Khan •
  1. Chapter 1: Game 1: Bird Opening: From's Gambit
  2. Game 2: Fool's Mate (Barnes opening)
  3. Game 3: Bishop's Opening Classical Defence
  4. Game 4: Bishop's Opening Classical Defence Game 2
  1. TheSultan_Khan

Stacia's Game Collection

4 • MidnasLament •
  1. Tarjan, James - Christiansen, Larry - US Seniors Round 9
  2. Carlsen, Magnus - Gulbrandsen, Tor - French Tarrasch Korchnoi Gambit
  3. Hector, Jonny - Caruana, Fabiano
  4. Robert James Fischer - Max Euwe
  1. cyberfish
  2. MidnasLament
  3. backrankbrawler

Chess History II. (1900 - 1945)

12 • NapalmA •
  1. Introduction
  2. Carl Schlechter vs. Walter John "Total Paralyzed" (1905)
  3. Georg Rotlevi vs. Akiba Rubinstein "Rubinstein's Immortal" (1907)
  4. Frank Marshall vs. José Raul Capablanca "Marchin' on" (1909)
  1. NapalmA

Zurich 1953 with analysis

105 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Introduction
  2. Taimanov - Bronstein, Benko Gambit (Rd 1)
  3. Euwe - Kotov, Benoni Defense (Rd 1)
  4. Stahlberg - Boleslavsky, King's Indian (Rd 1)
  1. NoseKnowsAll

Game study #1

1 • Cosho917 •
  1. Louis Paulsen (?) - Paul Morphy (?)
  2. Paul Morphy - Eugene Rousseau
  3. Alexander Alekhine - Bernhard Gregory
  4. Robert James Fischer - Boris Spassky
  1. Cosho917
  2. Hmshober

Chess History I. (1700 - 1900)

22 • NapalmA •
  1. Introduction
  2. Kermur Sire de Legal vs. Saint Brie "Legal trap" (1750)
  3. Thomas Bowdler vs. Henry Seymour Conway "Brawl" (1788)
  4. Francois Philidor vs. John M. Bruehl "Endgame theory No'1" (1789)
  1. NapalmA

Logical Chess Move by Move: Chernev

5 • owo3211 •
  1. Scheve - Teichmann
  2. Liubarski - Soultanbeieff
  3. Colle - Delvaux
  4. Blackburne - Blanchard
  1. owo3211

Chess History IV. (2000 - 2024)

18 • NapalmA •
  1. Introduction
  2. Vladimir Kramnik vs. Garry Kasparov - "Shock the champion!" (2000)
  3. Judit Polgár vs. Garry Kasparov "Ladies First" (2002) 1-0
  4. Sergey Karjakin vs. V. Malinin "Pure Agression!" (2002)
  1. NapalmA

64 Pawn Endings!

4 • Divena013 •
  1. Malakhov, V. - Najer, E.
  2. Ljubojevic, Lj - Browne, W.
  3. Fier, A. - Mekhitarian, K.
  4. Taimanov, M. - Cuellar Gacharna, M.
  1. Divena013

Positional Queen Sacrifices

1 • ProfessorMarulk •
  1. How much is a queen worth?
  2. Textbook exchange for White
  3. Textbook exchange for Black
  4. Sacrificing the queen to neutralize the attack
  1. ProfessorMarulk

Provoking weaknesses: quizzes

5 • K_A_L_E •
  1. Chapter 12
  2. Flohr - Pitschak
  3. Chapter 13
  4. Tarrasch - Eckart
  1. asosa040
  2. K_A_L_E

Game chapter study

3 • Swapneel •
  1. Abhijeet321 - Swapneel
  2. Swapneel - saptanshu26
  3. saptanshu26 - Swapneel
  4. Hungry_killer2 - Swapneel
  1. Swapneel
  2. SwApNeEl1