

"Listen -- there's commies out there -- McCarthy may have to step on a few toes to get them" --- I don't think that is what you're saying

____I love you brother chunky but I am not communicating my point clearly enuf I guess
Maybe just a small home icon to the left of the lines icon will make it convenient and obvious how to go back to the main window. I forget that I can just click the lichess name to do this...
Then just learn to remember?

I don't know what to say - there needs to be a change to the menus because it was getting crowded and difficult to find things. It wasn't obvious where things should be. This way, you press space bar - regardless of where you are on the page - and you have every single link you could need.

It's clutter free. There's no clutter. It's streamlined.

What do you guys not like about it? That it's clutter free? That you press space bar to enter it? You're literally making a petition to change, but not expressing what you want to change.
It was Cynosure! Kill him Isaiah :D Seriously though - just leave it a couple of days - you might get to love it. Like when they brought in inflated tyres - and the metric system!
I just miss the 'Games' page to be honest.

The new menu is just a matter of getting used to.
What Thibault said that makes me feel like we need a loud voice from the users (see #9 in NEW INTERFACE) :

__________"I always expect emotional negative responses when I change something. Some people just hate change. But worry not, I don't take it seriously, and your old habits will be fixed within a few days."

And it appears as though "Dionysus_god" -- now "Dionysus09" -- was banned for expressing his objections: I rest my case
Not a matter of learning - it is what is intuitive. Ideally should not have to think that much how to get around.

I like the design a lot - just not sure what is actually achieved. There is now still a large space at the header that could have quick links to main features... features that now take two clicks to get to instead of one. I wouldn't call two clicks instead of one 'streamlined'.

Not here to validate or sign the 'petition' - just prefer a page where main features are on display right there.
Maybe in terms of PR it wasn't the best thing to say, no matter how lighthearted. Similarly with Dionysius, I'm hoping it was heat of the moment.

Be aware, the lichess administration does listen to its users - and indeed, this change partly came in because many users have requested changing to a more clutter free UI. But Thibault is also right. Any change upsets the users. The "dark" theme used to be default, but then a lot of people argued the "light" theme looked better. I disagree. When it was swapped, lots of other people who also disagreed vocally complained. Whatever is changed, no matter how seemingly insignificant, will always attract complaints.

If you make valid complaints, however, and take the moral high road rather than complaining for the sake of complaining, then you may be immoderately more successful.

You'd have to scroll up to the top of the page, select your sub menu and then select your page.

Now you scroll up or press space bar, and press the logo or select your menu.

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