

______ I LOVE, APPRECIATE & SUPPORT THIBAULT !!!!!____ Besides the great service he has provided for us, I think he has done something truely REVOLUTIONARY. Something much more significant than creating a chess site. This is the first step towards using the web as a tool for commercial-free and CENSORSHIP FREE worldwide brotherhood. (deep beneath my conservative policies is a hippy heart.)

____ I LOVE, APPRECIATE & SUPPORT THIBAULT !!!!! ____ I think so highly of him that I treat him as a brother: if he slips away from the greatness he can achieve, my small contribution is to let him know. That is the sign of real RESPECT & friendship.
I think this interface is ok, but there is only one thing I'd really ask for: a "Homepage" button.
Cynosure -- not all objections relate to a learning curve. The last I checked (2 secs ago) there is no logo on the new menu page.
I'm talking at #33. The homepage button is the button. You're either going to the homepage or the menu.

You misunderstand me.
I'm sorry -- you are right -- I did misunderstand you.

I confused what you were saying with some of the other responses
Change is always scary. I play on this site as much as most people and I've gotten used to the old menu system also. But they changed it and I can understand why some people hate it and some people love it. I'm not going to sign this petition because even though I've gotten accustomed to the old menu system, this one is just as easy. There are however some flaws to it. 1# being that sometimes I hit the space bar on my laptop and the menu comes up when I don't want it to. An example of this is when I was trying to type a complaint to twitch during zugs feed because it was laggy. I was typing, hit space, and up popped the menu. It hasn't happened to me during a game and I don't even know if it could, but like I said, I understand both sides. Now what are we going to do about these next to impossible CAPTCHA puzzles!? Took me 10 minutes to solve one so I could post this.
ALSO, if you click on the logo it takes you directly to the home page. Just as if the you hit the old play button.
THANK YOU inkspot!! My first reaction was -- and is -- positive. I just want it refined to integrate user suggestions like yours

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